Why The Internet Is Currently Lusting Over Stanley Tucci
Since most people are quarantining at home these days, it doesn’t take much to get everyone excited. Random videos like Danny Devito’s PSA and Leslie Jones continuously showing how bored he is are taking the internet by storm. And the latest video to get everyone’s attention is the one Stanley Tucci recently posted online, where he makes his wife a beverage.
Stanley’s video starts out innocently enough when he casually asks his wife if she would like a Negroni. He then explains the steps of making the beverage – Gin, Sweet Vermouth, Campari, and an orange garnish, btw – and goes on to make the drink for her. It’s a simple how-to video.
But for some reason, the internet has lost it, and they are lusting hard over this video and Stanley Tucci. Under his post, people are leaving comments like, “The Negroni shall henceforth be known as the QuaranTucci,” “This man is like a fine wine,” “being in quarantine has made me appreciate this man so much more,” and “He is zaddy.”
And on Twitter, the comments about Stanley are even more thirsty and entertaining. Enjoy below.
This is the second most erotic thing I’ve ever seen with the word “cock” in the title#StanleyTuccipic.twitter.com/I3BWMfYUJt
— Ciarán Clarke (@Narcassa) April 21, 2020
Wow, I’ve seen a lot of unexpected things happen over the past month but #StanleyTucci being swamped with thirst tweets because he made a cocktail is truly a gift that I couldn’t have predicted https://t.co/dBfJC0Xqsn
— Toni Gregory (@toni_the_writer) April 21, 2020
His voice is very comforting and his arm muscles are attractive but what I really love is the sound of the shot glasses slamming on the counter. #StanleyTucci https://t.co/Hbv33enmTF
— barbarabroccoli tateellen (@tateellen) April 21, 2020
Bec during this lockdown cocktail hour is every hour. Thank you #StanleyTucci. https://t.co/VgkCuLz5id
— Roswell Encina (@roswellencina) April 21, 2020
6:40 am & Stanley Tucci gently shakes you awake. Now, how do you want your eggs?#stayhome #StanleyTucci https://t.co/K83k7uI2ky
— Greg Cope White (@eatgregeat) April 21, 2020
Mr #StanleyTucci is a modern gentleman, dresses well and from the looks of it, makes one hell of a cocktail! https://t.co/v16yt55Mlu
— Luther 🐙🧢 (@GallifreyKid) April 21, 2020
No offense to my husband, but I wouldn’t mind if #stanleytucci was suddenly mixing my cocktails 🍸 https://t.co/EC71oaFXeD
— 🌺🌈 (@imladytremaine) April 21, 2020
I want Stanley Tucci to manhandle me the way he slams down his cocktail ingredients pic.twitter.com/W9Fg3YCQOV
— James Besanvalle (@JamesBesanvalle) April 21, 2020
not to be horny on main but stanley tucci doing a cocktail masterclass on igtv is the most erotic thing in the world pic.twitter.com/LphyhHHKS8
— lucy ford 🍊 (@lucyj_ford) April 20, 2020