Bringing You Talk Radio
If we haven’t met I’m Francene Marie with Beasley Media Group. I host and produce talk shows for the 6-plus radio station cluster, but most importantly I’m visiting with non-profits across the Carolinas whenever the opportunity presents itself to roam outside the studios. Most people ask how can they begin a radio career and I reply with a few simple questions.
Do you like getting up in the wee morning hours? Feel like working your way up from the bottom? Can you take criticism? Luckily radio consultants don’t put as much empasis on our wardrobe like they do with my besties in TV. The best advice I have for those wanting to delve into a radio career, is to start a podcast and make it consistent. Here’s some things to consider:
What is your podcast about? What’s the name of your podcast? How long in length, 10 minutes, 20 minutes or 30 minutes? How many times in one month will you post your show? Where will you post your show, possibly iTunes? How many people will be on your podcast? Make sure everyone participating on the show can contribute skills and talents. Find a good audio editor, and make sure you have someone funny, someone serious and someone in the middle of the road to control the flow of the show. Just try it, you might like it and then grab followers and send a snippet of your show to decisionmakers.
Here’s all the radio stations I cover: WNKS-FM, POWER98, V101.9, WSOC-FM, K104.7, FOX SPORTS CHARLOTTE 94.7, 1660AM. or visit the radio station site to get caught up.