“Moving Furniture” Makes You Healthier
Turns out having an active “moving furniture” life is scientifically proven to benefit you.
When you’re having a stressful day and might not be in the mood, sex is a great reliever because it floods the brain with feel-good chemicals lowering the stress hormones. Not only is it helpful with stress it boosts your mood and your quality of life altogether! All it takes it some tender love and care for the person you’re committed to, even once a week will get the job done.
Having trouble sleeping? It is perfect for releasing hormones that relax you so you’ll get some good rest once the deed is done.
Whether you know it or not it also can improve your immunity and heart health. This is starting to sound too good, isn’t it? But really it’s been researched by experts in New England and they found that 45% of people who have sex at least twice a week are less likely to have heart disease. Researchers at Wilkes University say after sex, the highest levels of antibody are found in the body that helps fight off illness.
Not to mention it’s exercise if you’re young and healthy. Gotta love those feel-good hormones.
Have you used sex for any of these reasons? We’re interested to know @theMRLshow!