We may be in the season of love, but sometimes things have to come to an end as well. For whatever reason, that may be, divorce is a thing. Whether things are mutual or stressful, divorce rates can vary from situation to situation. But also, from state to state. Ever wondered if you’re in a state that has a high or low divorce rate? Well, some of these results might interest you just a little bit.
World Population Review is discussing the states with the best and worst divorce rates. As much as marriage may be common nowadays, so is divorce. Many people will go through a divorce and remarry a few more times after that. Trust me, I know a few people with multiple marriages under their belt. According to World Population Review, between 35%-50% of first-time marriages end in divorce. But, which states have a higher (and lower) divorce rate? For 2023, both states have a percentage that equals out when it comes to a divorce rate. Check out the information below and tell us what you think when it comes to North and South Carolina.