When spending money, some folks feel better about shelling out their hard-earned dollars if they’re going to a company they can trust, and now a new survey reveals the most reputable companies in the United States.
The annual Axios-Harris Poll 100 has just been released. It’s an annual ranking of the reputations of the most visible U.S. companies. A company’s ranking is based on seven criteria: trust, vision, growth, products + services, culture, ethics, and citizenship (sharing my values and supporting good causes).
Topping the list this year is Trader Joe’s, with a score of 82.4, with grocery stores making a good showing, with three in the Top 5. The survey notes that Amazon and Walmart are once again considered the two most visible countries in America today. Trader Joe’s is actually new to the list, along with Spotify, Big Lots, Shein, and Subway.
Companies with the biggest reputation improvements this year include AT&T (up 6.3%), Google (6.1%), Starbucks (6.0%), Yum! Brands (5.4%), General Motors (4.7%), and The Home Depot (4.5%).