Tis’ the season. For holiday parties, takeout, baseball, holiday snacks, and more. And we bring you all of that in this week’s food news fix! And boy do we have news for you. Today was the day for multiple pizza chain announcements we’re talking Pizza Hut, Papa John’s, and Little Ceasars. Of course, Taco Bell has us talking. And how about a fast food flavored liquor to cheers with? Yeah, that one may be a hard pass for me. Fruitcake-flavored soda? Again my curiosity is peaked but my taste buds are screaming “no”! The return of a holiday cereal though is the one I’ll most likely try.
Do you love to try crazy food combinations and concoctions? Or are you more of a stick-to-the-basics, tried-and-true type of person? I recently watched a video ranking all of the different Oreo flavors, and it seems that while some are good, sticking to what I know is more my speed. Some of these menu items might be worth tasting though! And as they say, any publicity is good publicity and I’m talking about them. Here is this week’s installment of Food News Fix! If you try any of these let us know on social media! Enjoy.