If we’re being honest, there are so many reasons why you might not be sleeping enough at night. It could be a symptom of something you’re experiencing physically, mentally, or even emotionally. Because all three of these parts of your well-being can affect your sleep.
As a whole, Americans need more z’s. The American Sleep Association says adults need seven to nine hours of rest at night, but roughly one out of every three people get less than seven hours. And that’s consistent! Which is yes, very bad for you.
In college and even my life post-college, that’s one thing I learned very quickly: do not underestimate the importance of sleep. Really, it’s what keeps you sane. And it’s what keeps you you. HuffPost reports that a deficiency of rest has effects on your physical health, mental health, feeling of safety, and overall quality of life.
You might be experiencing sleep onset insomnia which is when you have trouble actually relaxing and falling asleep. Or you could be experiencing sleep maintenance insomnia, which is when you have trouble staying asleep.
So, use some of these tips provided by the American Sleep Association and published by HuffPost. Do you have a bedtime ritual? It might be time you start using one to help…
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