I love my dog and two cats. My dog Zoe likes to lick the glass of our back patio door and basically everything else. Not to mention her paws smell like corn chips no matter how many baths we give her. What causes that? The cats cry wolf often and have lately been waking my wife and me up about 45 minutes before the first alarm goes off. As annoying as they all are, we love them so much because they’re all cute and fluffy. I wonder if this guy who fell on his face while trying to wrangle puppies feels the same way.
A man in Washington state was dog-sitting 10-week-old Rottweiler puppies. The challenge for him was to escape the puppy pen before they did. After several failed attempts, it looked like he was finally going to make it out without the chance of a puppy escaping. As he was running towards the gate he stumbled and faceplanted HARD. Luckily puppy kisses make everything feel better because that’s exactly what he got. Check out the video below!