Did something ever happen at a wedding that you were at (or your own wedding) that upstaged the bride and groom? We talk about LauRen’s experiences and hear from our callers!
We start out the conversation by discussing the wedding that LauRen attended this past weekend, where the talk of the town was the presence of a medium, someone who uses psychic energy to predict the future and read the past. While this didn’t cause any serious disruption to the wedding, a few incidents involving some of our callers at other weddings surely did! For example, one caller told us of how at her cousin’s wedding, another couple had arranged to propose during the reception, and the bride didn’t even know about it! While things turned out alright in the end, it’s definitely best just to let the bride and groom enjoy a day meant specifically for them.
Did anyone ever severely disrupt either your wedding or one that you attended? Share your stories @TheMRLshow