With Intern Jil gone, who typically served as the mediator between Interns Tommy and Ana, the brutal honesty comes out and sinks the intern ship!
We had our fabulous interns, Tommy and Ana, on the show today to talk about our newly released second installment of the intern podcast, cleverly named The Intern Ship. We listened to the segment, which turned into quite a spectacle after Roy asked the interns to talk about their positive and negative experiences in working with each other. Needless to say, the negatives came out and they hit hard! With Tommy and Ana on the show today, however, we had a chance to hear their takes on all of the comments made about them on the podcast. It could have gone two ways — the interns could have made up and found common ground in their statements, or they could have ignited the flames even further! Listen in to see what ended up happening!
Whose side would you take in this argument? Give us your take @TheMRLshow