Yuck! Some people do it as a hobby — hitting up the dump to find new things to stash away. But what if you accidentally threw something super valuable away?
We reached out to our listener friends after discussing a story of how a couple in Australia went dumpster-diving after they accidentally threw away a $700,000 winning lottery ticket (and ended up finding it). Our first caller, a house cleaner, mentioned how she made her husband take the plunge after she mistakenly threw away the box to a customer’s iPad case, an action that basically kept the customer from returning the case. Luckily, her husband was able to track it down after a 15-minute hunt! Our second caller then told us of how he accidentally threw away his retainer at a fast-food restaurant, subsequently dug through the trash to find it, then proceeded to put it back in his mouth! I mean hey — everyone has their standards!
Have you ever gone dumpster diving to recover something that you lost? Share your stories with us @TheMRLshow