It’s Confession Wednesday!! Time to get those skeletons out of the closet and confess the secrets you’ve been keeping. Maney kicks off Confession Wednesday with a Confession of his own. His son Dean has been sick and so Maney has been putting some medicine in his juice. Of course Dean is not aware Maney is doing this, but Maney wants him to get better… and to stop coughing during Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer. Not such a horrible confession, in fact it’s a confession with the best of intention. We had listeners call in with their confessions, and as always we got some pretty interesting confessions. One woman confesses that she cheated on her husband, but divorced him for cheating on her. Even though she cheated first! Another listener confesses that she would fool her father when he drank, by changing the colored Christmas lights to all white Christmas lights. Can you imagine how confused he must have been.
Check out the audio below to listen to all the confessions, and let us know your confessions @theMRLshow