Getting report cards can often be a stressful time for kids and teens alike, but has having bad marks ever make you want to cover it up?
We read an article about a 10-year-old boy who ran all the way from Germany to Switzerland, all because he got some poor grades on his report card. Yep, he skipped town because he was worried about his parents’ reactions! In light of this, we wanted to hear if any of our listener friends had had any similar experiences. Our first caller told us of how she made a copy of her friend’s report card in high school in place of her own to cover up her low marks, only to face some trouble down the road when she almost couldn’t graduate! Then, our second caller told us of how he forged his history grade after failing the subject for four straight years! Yikes! In the end, however, it seems like it worked out for both of our listeners.
Have you ever done something to cover up bad grades on a report card? Share your stories with us @TheMRLshow