The NFL is the most popular professional sport in the US. So it’s no surprise that female fanbases in the NFL have grown significantly over the last decade. But what NFL team has the most passionate female fans? Well, a new study from reveals the teams with the most engaged female fan bases going into 2022.
NFL teams have some of the largest fan bases across the country, with millions of fans flooding stadiums each year (thankfully we can again!) and tuning in to watch at home. Historically NFL fans have pronominally been male, though the demographics are changing. That’s not to say female fans haven’t existed. My grandmother loved the team that tops this list and also learned to love the Panthers after they came to town. I have been a die-hard football fan (seriously I watch more than a lot of guys) for most of my life as well. Regardless it’s wonderful to see so many teams experiencing such substantial growth among female supporters. Some reports have found that women now make up 47% of all NFL fans. So naturally, that begs the question which NFL team actually has the best female fan base? Shockingly it’s not Tom Brady’s team. I mean as much as I can’t stand him and am still bitter about the Super Bowl loss he is very nice to look at.
But to answer the question of which NFL team has the most female fans looked at social media highlights to see who was posting over the last 12 months. This helped them to determine the NFL’s most engaged female fan bases
For more information and to see the most engaged teams by age range, please visit the site here: