A Clever Way For Parents To Teach Their Kids About Money
Learning how to budget and how to be responsible with money is hard, and it’s often taught too late in life, or it becomes a lesson learned after a few poor decisions. One mother decided to change that for her daughter.
Parents from all over are loving this mom’s concept of teaching her daughter how to be responsible with her money.
Lynn Brooks shared a Facebook post that shows the poster board she created for her daughter. It has her “work schedule ” on it which includes chores and school. Londyn, her daughter, earns $1 a day and gets “overtime” rates on weekends of $2 and bonuses for good grades in school. She even gets a weekly paycheck that shows her how all her earnings add up!
The concept teaches Londyn about earning money and that money doesn’t just grow on trees, but she’s also learning how to contribute. Each paycheck, she gets $1 each taken out for power, water, and Internet.
Don’t worry parents, her mom is taking that money and saving it for her in a savings account.
This mama got the idea from another mama on Facebook and hopes that others will adopt the concept.
What do you think of this? Have you done something different with your kids? Share with us on Twitter! @theMRLshow