
Ransom Garcia

Ransom is a born-and-raised Las Vegan and has been on the Vegas airwaves for the last 20 years!

After hearing Casey Kasem around the tender age of eight, Ransom thought, “Whoa… you can make a living talking to people and playing music?” It was at that moment that Ransom knew what he wanted to be when he grew up.

Besides radio, he’s an active member of the Las Vegas Film Critic Society. He also passionately works with autism organizations around the valley.

Even though he is Vegas born and raised, I’m a big Pittsburgh Steelers fan because my dad helped make the ketchup bottles on the Heinz Field scoreboard. It worked out pretty well because he married a girl from Pennsylvania and she’s also part of Steeler Nation — haha! Shoutout to Danielle, Ransom’s amazing wife!

Being outdoors and making memories are his favorite things to do. He literally bought a house near Red Rock Canyon, so that he can easily make it to the loop and go on a hike. There’s something therapeutic about popping in some earbuds, throwing on a podcast, and walking through Ice Box Canyon. He also currently plays on a couple of indoor teams. He’s been playing since he was 6 and plans to keep on going until his body tells him to stop.

But aside from being an avid outdoors, he’s also a big gamer. He just really loves relaxing on the couch with a great game. But as many parents know, the things we used to love start to become a distant memory when you have KIDS. Before becoming a dad, Ransom’s favorite games were online multiplayer shooters, but now he prefers story-based single player titles.

Recently, Ransom’s family added a new addition to their family: Steve!

Steve is a Boston Terrier and he joined Ransom’s coyote pack a few weeks ago.

He’s a big movie lover and used to do weekly film segments on a few talk stations around the city! His time with the society is something that he’s very proud of. Although he no longer does any movie or film segments around town, he still tries to make as many press screenings as life allows.

Another passion he has is working with FEAT (Families for Ethical Autism Treatment) for over a decade. He became involved after meeting some of the board members back in 2008. Since then, they have raised over a million dollars to help send the kids to camps and to get treatment.

Simply put, Ransom loves that Las Vegas truly feels like a small town AND a big city. If you’re here long enough, you’ll realize that everyone knows one another.

Check him out on socials:

Facebook – @Ransompalooza

Instagram – @Ransompalooza 

X – @Ransompalooza