Are Hot Ones Hot Sauce Heat Levels A Lie?
If you’ve ever watched the YouTube series Hot Ones from First We Feast and BuzzFeed, you’ve seen celebrities run the gamut from the puniest of hot sauces to scorching hot fireballs straight from Satan. Hot Ones hot sauce heat levels are off the charts! That is, if you take their word for it.
Turns out another YouTube channel has sent their hot sauces in for testing to get the real Scoville levels of each sauce of the last season. Turns out the numbers are bologna.
That’s right, they aren’t suffering nearly as much as you think. Except, that is, for one hot sauce on the list which is actually hotter on the Scoville level chart than they claim.
Hot Ones Hot Sauce Heat Levels Are Way Off
The YouTube channel Howtown took all of the sauces featured in Season 25 of the Hot Ones series and had them sent out for proper testing.
What the video claims is that the method they are using to measure the Hot Ones hot sauce heat levels is inherently flawed. They believe that what Hot Ones has been doing is taking the Scoville rating for the pepper itself, and not the final product: the sauce. The sauce is bound to change in heat levels as water is added to it.
So what are the real Hot Ones Hot Sauce heat levels? What if we told you they actually go down in heat levels as the first few rounds go on? Well – we won’t tell you but Howtown does.
As a matter of fact, sauce number 1 in the lineup – their “Classic Hot Sauce” – claims a Scoville level of 1,800 but only got to 1,460 in testing. That’s only 81 percent of the claimed heat. Sauce number 2 – Little Dick’s Ghost Pepper Pear – claims to have a 6,900 on the Scoville meter but only racks up 1,350 in testing! That’s not even 20 percent of what they claim and lower than the number 1 sauce.
It goes even lower from there before jumping up, but every single Hot Ones hot sauce heat level falls short of what they say. All, that is, but one.
What Sauce Is Actually The Boss?
Howtown’s testing found that ol’ reliable – Da Bomb – far outshoots what they claim on the show. While Hot Ones says the Scoville level is 135,600, testing showed it is more like 179,000 – 32 percent higher than expected. Then it cools off from there.
So, it isn’t your imagination that the celebrities seem to get better towards the end. The hot sauces are actually less hot – not more hot – towards the end. Although testing did find that the hottest hot sauces on the show are in past episodes and they’ve weakened in recent years.