Solar Eclipse Chaser Excited To See His 13th At Age 105
The solar eclipse set to occur on April 8th is an astronomical event that has captured the imaginations of people around the world. This particular eclipse is noteworthy for a number of reasons, making it a fascinating subject for anyone interested in the wonders of the cosmos.
Firstly, this eclipse is classified as a total solar eclipse. This means that, for observers located within the path of totality, the Moon will completely cover the Sun, turning day into an eerie twilight for a few precious minutes. Such an occurrence offers a rare opportunity for scientists and sky watchers alike to observe the Sun’s outer atmosphere, or corona, which is usually obscured by the bright solar disk. The corona appears as a glowing halo around the dark silhouette of the Moon, providing a breathtaking sight and valuable scientific data regarding the Sun’s magnetic fields and plasma flows.
Who has seen the most solar eclipse?
Another fun fact is that there is a man in Texas who lives for an event like this. In fact he has chased solar eclipses since 1963.
According to CBS NEWS, Laverne Biser, a 105-year-old from Fort Worth, Texas, has witnessed 12 in his lifetime. His passion has taken him across the globe, capturing photos of these celestial events, including a favorite in 1979 in South Dakota.
Biser is especially excited for the upcoming eclipse on April 8th because it will be the first time he’ll be able to witness it from his own backyard. His advice to viewers is to watch the entire eclipse, using safety glasses but removing them during totality to appreciate the beauty fully.
Aside from chasing eclipses, Biser’s love for the cosmos extends to his hobby of building handmade telescopes, some of which he constructed over 60 years ago. His lifelong passion for astronomy began in high school and continued throughout his engineering career, and he hopes to continue enjoying his astronomical pastime for as long as he can.