“American Idol” Judges Brought To Tears By School Shooting Survivor
The judges on “American Idol” were wow’ed on Sunday night’s show by the vocals of new hopeful Trey Louis, 21. But it was his backstory that affected them even more. Louis is a survivor of the 2018 Santa Fe, TX High School shooting.
Louis had already received praise from judge Luke Bryan after singing “Stone” by Whiskey Myers before being asked why he was auditioning. The singer talked about losing friends and teachers to the gunman in 2018. His story brought Katy Perry and Lionel Richie to tears.
Katy Perry lost it and heavily cried as she made a plea for this to stop and said that Trey should be up there singing because he loves music, not because he lost classmates to a shooter.
Richie said he believes the US has “tolerated” mass shootings “for too long.” The judges advanced Louis to the next round of auditions. You can see Trey Louis’ audition below.