You Can Save Over 5k With This New Tik Tok Trend
Inflation is affecting all of us right now, and many of us are looking to save money, but don’t know where to start.
I just came across a wonderful trend on Tik Tok, that came up with a way to save money easily. The 100 envelope challenge has helped many people on the app save money. Here’s how it works.
Essentially, you will get 100 envelopes. You will write 1-100 on the envelopes. Each day, you will choose an envelope. Whatever number is on the envelope, is the amount of cash you put in the envelope. By the end of the 100 days, you should have saved just over $5,000. This way, you’re breaking up your spending so even though some days you may only be saving $10, it will all add up in the end.
I LOVE this idea. The only thing is… I don’t have that much cash. What I may end up doing is just venmo-ing my fiancé the amount I choose each day. Then at the end of the 100 days, having him venmo me back the total amount.
I thought this would be a great thing to share for those of you who are like me, and want to save money, but just don’t know where to start.
@the.milli.way The easiest and fastest way to save over $5,000 🤯 #moneychallenge #moneytok #saving #savingmoney #moneysaving #moneysavingtip #100envelopechallenge #100envelopebox
♬ This Is How We Do It - Montell Jordan