Reporter At Alabama Execution Forced to Change Her Skirt And Shoes
An Alabama official is being questioned for telling a journalist her skirt was too short to witness an execution.
The journalist, Ivana Hrynkiw says she had worn the skirt to previous executions “without incident.” Hrynkiw was prompted to borrow fishing waders from a colleague. The Alabama Department of Corrections spokesperson then proceeded to take issue with her open-toe high-heeled shoes, claiming they were too revealing.
The reporter was finally permitted to cover the execution after changing into tennis shoes she had in her car. But the Department of Corrections has yet to give any further comments.
According to the NY Post Hrynkiw was quoted saying: “At 5ft 7in, and 5ft 10in with my heels on. I am a tall and long-legged person. I tried to pull my skirt to my hips to make the skirt longer but was told it was still not appropriate,” she added.
“This was an uncomfortable situation and I felt embarrassed to have my body and my clothes questioned in front of a room full of people. Most I had never met,” she wrote. “I sat down, tried to stop blushing and did my work.”
To complete the assignment, the journalist borrowed rain pants from a photographer. She then slipped them on under her skirt— only to be told that her open-toed heels were also inappropriate, she said.
They also subjected an Associated Press reporter to the same type of treatment, but her clothes were deemed marginally acceptable.
Both and the AP are demanding an investigation.
This happened as the agency prepared to execute Joe Nathan James Jr. by lethal injection. Punishment for killing his ex-girlfriend Faith Hall in 1994.