Benefits Of Having A Work BFF
Do you have a work bestie? If you’re lucky enough to, you already know how much better they make your work day. According to Fast Company, with workers feeling burned out and leaving their jobs in record numbers, companies are looking for more ways to hold onto employees during the Great Resignation. While they can offer higher pay, better benefits, training and more flexibility, the one thing they can’t give employees that may actually make them want to stay is a good friend at work.
Here’s why now more than ever, you should have a work BFF:
You can lean on each other. The pandemic has been tough on everyone, but those working in healthcare, education, as front-line responders and office workers who have stuck with their jobs during these challenging two years consistently give one answer as to why they’ve stayed: work friends. “Without my friends, I never would have gotten through this,” one hospital nurse says. “The days were long, the work was really hard, but through the layers of PPE, I’d find my friends’ eyes and know I’d be okay.”
We’re social creatures. Humans want people to listen to us, laugh with us and make us feel included. And while we get this from our loved ones outside of our jobs, having someone at work to experience those with makes all the difference in being happy.
They help us perform better. Research shows that workplace friends help promote creativity and can make employees more productive as well.
We really just want to be happy. Having a work bestie definitely brings us joy on the job and it turns out, that’s something people value more these days. According to a recent survey about friends in the workplace, people value happiness even more than their pay. It shows 58% of respondents say happiness at work is more important than salary and a work BFF is a big part of that.
Source: Fast Company