Charlotte Flight Delayed Over Masks
It’s easy to forget in day-to-day life that some places still have mask mandates. Most restaurants, stores, etc have stopped enforcing masks and simply recommend those not vaccinated wear one. However, at some places such as medical facilities and airports, masks are still required. That being said, not everyone is happy to comply. A flight out of Charlotte and heading to the Bahamas on Monday was delayed until today after a group of “disruptive” passengers refused to wear masks. That’s right, people couldn’t get to their vacation as the flight was delayed over masks.
American Airlines officials said the group became disruptive to the other passengers and refused to follow crew member’s instructions. The unruly passengers were then asked to step off the plane. The airline said they would let the group fly on another flight if they agreed to abide by the mask rule. Due to the disruption, the flight was delayed until Tuesday, and passengers were given hotel vouchers.
I hate wearing a mask as much as anyone but i can’t imagine how upset I’d be if I was on that plane. And while my flight wasn’t delayed over masks I’ve come to expect flights to Nassau to have issues. I’ve had flights there be delayed due to having to restock the ice, a bees nest at the arrival gate, and the pilot outright missing the gate.
“We expect our customers to comply.” A flight from Charlotte to the Bahamas was delayed a day after a group of “disruptive” passengers refused to wear masks despite repeated warnings, officials said.
— Queen City News (@Queen_City_News) July 6, 2021