Study: Looking At Your Phone Makes Other People Do The Same
Much like yawns, looking at your phone can be quite contagious. A new study has found that when you check your phone that other people nearby will do the same in less than a minute. And it’s not a conscious thing. According to the researchers, we mostly do this “chameleon effect” involuntarily.
If you want someone to blame for draining your battery for no reason, blame our ancestors. The researchers say mammals have evolved to subconsciously mimic each others’ behavior to assist with group bonding. Even lions have been shown to yawn together.
According to their studies, no sex, age, or level of relationship quality was safe from smartphone mimicry. The only thing that slowed the effect was food. The researchers said that when we have something important to do we’re able to resist the urge to grab our phones. And what’s more important than eating?
Source: Daily Mail